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middle watch 【航海】夜半值班〔午夜零時到四時〕。

middle west

[ kjv ] so gideon , and the hundred men that were with him , came unto the outside of the camp in the beginning of the middle watch ; and they had but newly set the watch : and they blew the trumpets , and brake the pitchers that were in their hands 基甸和所有與他在一起的一百人,在半夜三更的起初,換更的時候,來到了營的邊緣,就吹起角來,打破手中的瓦瓶。

So gideon , and the hundred men that were with him , came unto the outside of the camp in the beginning of the middle watch ; and they had but newly set the watch : and they blew the trumpets , and brake the pitchers that were in their hands 基甸和所有與他在一起的一百人,在半夜三更的起初,換更的時候,來到了營的邊緣,就吹起角來,打破手中的瓦瓶。

I had the middle watch , you know , but i was pretty sleepy by that time , so jim he said he would stand the first half of it for me ; he was always mighty good that way , jim was 你知道,我該值半夜里的班。不過,我到那時實在困得不行,所以杰姆就說,開頭一半的時間,由他替我代值吧。他就是這樣體貼人。